Well 2012 has started with some great physical sessions and lots of exciting news of things to come this year. First and foremost is that we are starting a new class on Monday nights at 7.45 in Dean Close, its called the ‘Combat Club’ and will be headed up by the talents of James San and Dave San, with guest senseis helping out!

This class is aimed at beginners and people who want a great uptempo session on the basics of combat, without taking grades. Its FREE to all our normal students so if you want a a bit of fun and support Dave San and James San then pop along! But more importantly if you know of anyone who may be interested in martial arts then this is a great chance to drag them along! There is no charge for the first 2 months while the sen’s get into their stride and only £5 threafter! So a great vlaue session!! Normal sessions will still be taking place with the ‘gods of martial arts’ (Tim San and Richard San to you!) at the same time, so your normal classes are unchanged!

We will be advertising this class using our Facebook account, Twitter account and also with posters, so please feel free to post, retweet etc. If you have anywhere that you can put a poster at work then please ask your Sensei for some when you see them next.

As there is a lot of news to get through, stay tuned for more blogs coming at you later on in the week!

Categories: Uncategorized


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