A few of you were away this week, many at the famous; “Cheltenham Literature festival’ as befits ‘Wise’ warriors! However in terms of what has been covered this has been an incredibly busy week of teaching.
Yesterday evening we had a great session preparing people for the part one gradings, which then started when Sensei Tim arrived to grade the ‘five attack’ form test. Kohigh Chris, Dohighs’ Andreaj and Kash all passed their five attack forms test and should have their part ones confirmed next week after we test them on the applications of their katas, also a very hard working Dohigh Nick passed his Nunchaku part one test. So congratulations to all four you, you all worked hard and the results were great, especially as always it was a surprise grading, just to keep you on your toes!! The December grading is looking to be very busy for the Cheltenham dojo, including some blackbelt gradings! So we still have much work to do over the next few weeks getting everyone else ready for their part one gradings.
The other big event of this week has been the release of another Youtube video! This was filmed on Monday evening, and involved the students rather than the instructors. The main stars were Sensei Nick, Sempais’ Dave and James, and Dohigh Andreaj, all doing a great job of demonstrating some of our basic block combinations, can’t wait until the sequel to see them maybe doing some strike and punch work or even advanced blocking and evasion! If they all look half as good as this for the December gradings, they should easily pass with flying colours. All those requesting slots in future videos be patient, we are working through our list! But remember Monday and Tuesday are the main filming nights.
Art of sword people stay tuned to the wisewarrior facebook page, as we are creating an album of this special day for all those who stayed behind for pictures.
Speaking of workshops we have two upcoming events. The first, by popular request from you all, will be a Nunchaku workshop. And the really big news on this is that once again we will be offering places to wisewarrior students free of charge! It’s looking like this will run towards the end of November, once we have the date and venue confirmed we post details on how to apply for your free place. If you have any friends or family who you think might be interested in this workshop then please let them know.
It looks also as if we have a demo to run in December at a very important ‘well being’ centre in Cheltenham, so anyone interested in helping out or being in the demonstration team then just speak to Richard San or Tim San after your lessons or via their facebook sites.
So congratulations once again to the four of you who have passed your combat tests, lets see the same spirit for next weeks gradings, and the rest of you be ready, we are looking forward to seeing you for your part ones over the next couple of weeks!
hayley88 · 13 October 2011 at 11:13 pm
Just watched the YouTube video – looks good. Strong blocks – nothing getting through those!