First of course a hearty congratulations to all our students who went for their gradings last Sunday, you all did so well and the whole dojo is very proud of you!

Mention of course must go to Mark San who obtained his 2nd Dan, anything above first Dan is a real serious grade, and reflects the years that Mark San has put into his training, his hard work and dedication is an insperation to all us martial artists.
We also have 5 new black belts! So well done to Pat San, Kash San, Kevin San, Andrej San and Ben San, well done guys!Wisewarrior, celebrations
So with all these shiny keen new grades the expected happened, they all took a week of from training!!
But the students who did make it were treated to some amazing lessons, here’s the highlights: Richard San fresh from his sword demonstration on the grading day was teaching double sword work, Tim San teaching how to punch like a blackbelt, and the real secret stuff on Wednesday with Richard San teaching and training with Tor San and students while teaching ‘fighting hands like smoke’! So all cool stuff for those who made it! 🙂
Dont forget after training this Wednesday (which will be project Mayem displays!) we are all going to the pub for a Christmas drink, so hope you can make it!
Also please check out a new posting on ‘The Lounge’ by Roy San, a lovely piece upon Fate and Karma, if you are enjoying these blogs and wish to contribute a piece of writing yourself in the new year then just let Tim San or Richard know.

Remember final 2 weeks before Christmas, which only means one thing in a martial art dojo….Fun!!!

See you in the dojo!

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